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COVID-19: Court Closures & Legal Info in Indiana

19.03.2020 in COVID-19

On March 6th, 2020, Governor Holcomb declared a public health emergency in Indiana due to the COVID-19 virus (i.e. coronavirus). On March 13th, President Trump declared a national emergency relating to COVID-19. In response, on March 16th, 2020 the Indiana Supreme Court issued an order…

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Gavel in a family court

What to Expect at a Family Court Hearing

30.12.2019 in Family Law

When you’re facing a family court hearing, whether it’s for custody, visitation, relocation, abuse or neglect, child support, or domestic violence, you probably are unsure what to expect. Family court hearings are important and have a lasting effect on your life. Whenever you go to…

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Children at supervised visit

How to End Supervised Visitation

15.12.2019 in Family Law

If you’ve been granted supervised visitation with your child, you are probably anxious to end the supervision and get back to regular parenting. Supervised visitation can be hard to schedule (since it has to be at the convenience of the supervisor) and frustrating since it…

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Partners arguing

How Domestic Violence Can Affect Your Divorce

18.09.2019 in Divorce

Domestic violence is considered a serious matter by Indiana courts. Domestic violence not only affects personal safety, but also has a significant impact on the outcome of your divorce whether you are the victim or the person being accused. Your divorce impacts your entire life,…

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The Dangers of Distracted Driving

30.01.2019 in Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Distracted driving is any activity a person engages in while behind the wheel that takes their attention away from the road. It could be eating, flipping through a playlist, or letting your mind wander. This habit injures thousands of people on U.S. roads every day….

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How is Child Support Calculated in Indiana?

02.01.2019 in Family Law

In Indiana, child support is calculated based on two main factors: how much money each parent makes, and how much money each parent must spend on other obligations. The court will also factor in how much time each parent spends with the child, and what…

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How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce

05.06.2018 in Family Law

Social media has become a central part of our lives. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are common places to highlight new jobs or accomplishments, as well as mundane things like what people had for dinner. When you post something online, it is easy to forget about the possible consequences, such as how social media can affect your…

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Top 10 Causes of Car Accidents in Indiana

05.06.2018 in Personal Injury

Each year, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) uses data collected by its Traffic Safety Division to analyze the annual number of car crashes and fatalities caused by traffic accidents. They publish their findings, along with annual goals for road safety in their Crash Facts…

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